In Cyprus are operating public and private Primary schools.
Public Primary schools
Public Primary schools are categorized as follows:
One teacher Schools with one class
Two teacher or two teacher enhanced Schools with two classes
Three teacher Schools or three teacher enhanced schools with three classes
Multi-teacher Schools with more than three classes
The number of pupils in the various types of primary schools and pre-primary schools is determined by the Council of Ministers after the Minister of Education Sport and Youth recommendation following a consultation with the Teachers' Union and the Organized parents.
The headteacher of each school divides the pupils in classes according to the instructions given by the Director of Primary Education.
In schools with 2-5 teachers, classes are formed with pupils from different ages (Complex classes). The maximum number of pupils in pure classes is 25, while in complex classes it is 20.
Private Primary schools
Private Primary schools are founded and governed by the Private Schools Law of 2019. Private Primary schools operate as private profit educational institutions. Any private school, in order to be able to operate requires the approval of the Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth. All private schools are inspected and coordinated by the officers of the Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth.
Web Services and Communication - Cyprus Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth